Taiwan Elder Abuse Suffered by Professor Ku

Taiwan Elder Abuse Suffered by Professor Ku

Professor Ping-Hsing Ku is an internationally renowned Chinese-American artist and educator. 

A neurologist in New York City diagnosed him with vascular dementia in 2009, and he has been degrading ever since. Professor Ku’s relationship with his wife, Fei Fei Wang, and son, US Navy Captain Peihua Ku, was complicated. Based on what I’ve seen and stories I’ve heard from other relatives, Fei Fei Wang has long mentally abused all members of her family, including her husband. Americans usually laugh it off as a “tiger mom” personality type. It is not funny. It is actually quite pathetic in this case as Fei Fei Wang is an such an unaccomplished person herself.


The hatred should have been an early indicator that Fei Fei Wang and Captain Ku shouldn’t be trusted with the welfare of Professor Ku. In 2011, Wang and Captain Ku enlisted the help of a Brooklyn law firm, Grimaldi & Yeung LLP, to procure an invalid power of attorney over Professor Ku. Professor Ku was clearly already suffering from dementia, so the law firm was either complicit or their staff was too incompetent to recognize they needed to properly seek guardianship for Professor Ku through court. A New York State enforcement investigator was recently assigned to this matter, so the truth around that is forthcoming. The law firm then helped Wang steal Professor Ku’s New York property using that invalid power of attorney.


At that time, Professor Ku was living in Woodhaven, Queens, NY at the home he had owned with his wife since 1975. Since he spent most of his career teaching at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Professor Ku had some assets in Taiwan. Since Taiwan doesn’t have a simple power of attorney concept like the US, it forced them to pursue a guardianship application in the Taipei courts.
