As is typical with most criminals, Wang and Captain Ku grew more brazen with their criminality as time went by.
As is typical with most criminals, Wang and Captain Ku grew more brazen with their criminality as time went by. They doubled down on their abusive behavior to cover up their past criminal activity while underestimating Pei-Lan---that will prove to be their biggest mistake. This year, Pei-Lan took her father out of the abusive Aiai Nursing Home as she had enough with them. Wang and her lawyer in Taiwan called in a fraudulent police report to exercise her guardianship authority. The judge ordered Professor Ku to be returned to the nursing home until the guardianship review was complete. We know the judge did this to protect Pei-Lan from her mother as she sees Wang for what she is. The law and process in Taiwan differ significantly from what we’re used to in the United States, and therefore the United States will ultimately have to come to the rescue. The most recent events include wrongful imprisonment of Pei-Lan and her father by the Ai Ai Nursing Home ...